Since i lost my dad a couple of years ago, it is hard to make something for fathers day.
So i designed my own memorial plaque to remember him by on fathers day.
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Step 1

I found an image on google, which resembles a lot like my dad, with a cigarette in his hand.

I removed the background.

Step 2

I then inserted an image of the wings and also removed the back ground.

Step 3

I inserted the top text first, by clicking on text and chose my font.

Then did the same thing for the bottom text.

Step 4

I set the settings for engraving on the F1 to 60 power, 150 speed and 140 DPI.

Did the framing on the coaster first, till it was in the right spot, then clicked process and then the button on the F1.

I did remove the words and wings to the side, so i could run the man figure by itself and set those setting higher without moving the slate coaster to, 80 power and 60 speed. Because those line are thinner and i wanted it to pop out more.

Step 5

And this is how it came out. I'm very happy with it and looks good.

I did spray a layer of clear coating over it to protect it.

You can replace the words with your own words and image also.

I hope you like this simple, but powerful memorial tutorial and it may give you some comfort for those you have lost.

R.I.P Dad 1938-2019

Design Files
Fathersday, memorial, slatecoaster, F1
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