All designs made by XCS except the top 2 images.
Educational tool.
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Step 1: Start Design

Start the rounded square drawing.

Add the rounded square and size it.


Step 2: add array to table colulms

add grid array setting as shown in the picture

Step 3

Add the numbers of multiplication.

And select all the rounded squares and select all numbers of the first column by shift + click.

click align verticle and horizontal center.

select other columns and numbers to align in the same way.



Step 4: add the image file

Add the image file and make an outline for cutting the edges.


Step 5: draw the lines

Draw the images by lines tool for the slider.

Step 6: cut the board and slider
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

Start cutting the board as I shown setting.

I use the 7-speed and 2 cuts because the plywood was a little cut, this setting help me out to complete the cut.



Step 7: assembly the drawer

assembly the drawer by wood glue.

sending a little and finish with the 2x cote spray.

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Design Files
multiplication Table Final.xcs
educational toy
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