I am testing my F1 and different materials. This was an image I got online and engraved it on a round black adhesive hat patch (Can also be put on clothes or anything else)
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Step 1: Select the image you wish to use

Select an image that you would like to use, I did not have to do anything to the image except resize it, but if you do, you can either use Imag-r (https://www.imag-r.com/) or you can adjust the image in XCS.


Resize the image to cover the patch. I this case I was using a round patch so I made sure to resize to fit the whole patch.

Step 2: Selecting the material and settings
Setting 1
Process Method
Bitmap Laser Engrave
Process Material
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm
Bitmap mode

You can use the pre-set setting that XCS advises but I have found in some cases they speed was a bit higher than I wanyed for the proper results.


XCS gives a list of materials and settings to go with that material to get you started. 


My settings for an image were:

Dot Duration 400

Power 85%

DPI 300


Step 3: Focus the machine, Frame and Run

Once you have everything sized correctly, you can now make sure the machine is in focus. This is done by using the round knob on the right side of the machine and turning it till the red and blue dots are on top of each other. Once they are, you are in focus.

Next you want to check the framing one last time.

Now you are ready to run your project. Click the start button in XCS, it will take you to the preview where you will hi Start again wich now send the project to the machine. Once it beeps you hit the strat button on the right side of the machine. This is the same knob as the focus . 

In about 6 minutes or less your work will be complete.


Please note that this can also be done on the D1 10 watt using the same settings.

Design Files
wolf black to silver patch.xcs
#LongTimeContributor, hat patch, wolf, patches
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