There are a few projects that have shown you the engraving process on glass but when you use the RA2 / Laser Cylindrical /Chuck option, it can be a fun challenge. But believe me, if you take your time and think things out, your project will turn out fine.  This pair of wine glasses were created for my parent's 60th Wedding Anniversary party.  The best part about making them, they get to brag to all their friends that their son made them!!  Here we go!!!
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Step 1: Prepare your glasses

So, we all know we need to wash and clean the surface of the glasses - very important!  Then I used CRC Dry Molly Lube to cover over a small section of the area of the wine glass that you'll be engraving.  Some people use tape and measure out the area that they would like their engraving to be placed.  Whatever you do, remember to spray on the Lube as evenly as possible.  This will prevent various levels/depths of engraving on your final product.

Step 2: Create your design

For my design, I just wanted to place a simple anniversary note with their names and date.  I used the new curving function to give the top and bottom a defined look on the wine glass.  You can choose any 'fancy" text style but remember, sometimes simple is the best way to convey a message on glass.



Step 3: Text Placement / Setup Your RA2
Setting 1
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm

You'll notice I flipped the text and resized it once I placed my glass under the camera.  I placed the wine glass as close to the camera as I could to get the most accurate positioning as possible.  I made sure to fit the text right on the edge of my work area.  Again, everyone has their way, I do it this way because it helps me reference everything, helps me make sure the wine glass is aligned properly (some people use tape to box out an area to be engraved, I do this).

I think it goes without saying that you will need to raise your M1 to use the RA2.  I've included some screenshots that will show you the auto-measure and settings I used.  these are the settings that worked for me.  I've seen settings from various users for various projects that they created so be aware that you may use these settings but it might just be a starting point for your finished product.  You will use the “Laser cylindrical” option then choose chuck because as you can see, I mounted it on the chuck claw thing.

Step 4: Engrave It and Enjoy

Finally, once your text or design is sized to fit, it's placed where you want it, and you've checked your settings, let 'er rip!


It took about 25-30 min each glass and at 180 Lines Per CM it engraved deep enough to feel the texture of the engraving, which is exactly what I wanted.  You will want to clean off the lube with a baby wipe or sanitizer wipes and then give it a thorough wash before using for drinking.  There is a trick to taking good photos of engraved glass but I'll save that for another time.


Thanks for your time and as always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below.  I hope this help someone out there!


Thank you


Design Files
60th wine glass.xcs
Wine Glass
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