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Pumpkin Lamp
xTool Projects
Instead of Halloween pumpkin, I am going to turn this xTool pumpkin project into a Cinderella's carriage.
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Step 1: Idea and Sketch

To restyle this cute Pumpkin Lamp xTool project (Photo 1), I was thinking instead of the typical way of orange Fall pumpkin or Jack-o-Lantern, what else can this pumpkin be made into? Cinderella's Fairy God Mother turn a pumpkin into a carriage for her, so let's give it a try, this can still be a lamp, or may be made into a box, a cookie jar, or a candy jar for all those candies from trick or treat……

As usually, I begin with a quick sketch of the carriage, a pumpkin body with wheels, and some leaves and vines (Photo 2).  

Step 2: Design Files

There will be two main parts to create, Carriage Body and Wheels.

Carriage Body: 
    Side Walls: The original xcs file from the project was just a line drawing, I was not able to use it, I can only use it as a reference to recreate the basic pumpkin pieces. Besides the original pumpkin details, I also added some swirl details to create the fairytale look (Photos 1 & 2). 

    Door: Add a door on one of the pumpkin panels (Photo 3).

    Top & Bottom: The top and the Bottom pieces are the same, except the top will have some pumpkin details, a slot cut-out for the stem, and some leaves and vines for the stem to add the fairytale feel (Photo 3).

 Wheels: The wheel is surrounded by leaves and vines, and score details are added to the wheel portion, I also created an extra layer of the swirl (Photo 3) to add to the top to give more depth to the finished look. These were going to be separate parts at first, but I was not able to attach them to the body firmly, so I ended up combining the basic wheels to the right and left panels (Photo 1).

Photo 4 shows the right and the left sidewall to give a preview of the final look. 

Step 3: Laser Cut
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Other Parameters
Marking Score: 40/20/1 Engraving 80/80/1, 80 or 100 line Per cm

For durability, the basic pumpkin body is designed to use 3mm Basswood. (Setting: cut, 100/4/1)

There are two sets of details on the pumpkin:
The pumpkin details (orange) and I scored the details with the setting of 40/20/1 and
Fairytale Swirls (purple): Engrave with the setting of 80/80/1, 80 or 100 line per cm  first. Then switch to 40/20/1 Score to give more definition for the motifs. 
Wheel Details: These are just decorative details (orange), I use 40/20/1 to score them as well.

Of course, always do the score and the engrave details first, then proceed with the cut.

As far as the extra swirl pieces, I would use 1.5mm basswood (Setting: cut, 100/4/1), to keep the look more refined. But they would be fine with 3mm basswood.


Step 4: Color

Color all the pieces according to your personal preferences, since the main color for the original Cinderella is powder blue,  I painted the carriage with a basecoat of white, then tinted the edges and around pumpkin details with light blue to give an illusion of a rounded shape, gold paint is used for the pumpkin details and swirl motifs, finally, I added the pearly sparkles to give a fairy dust feel. 

For the wheel, I painted the actual wheel portion brown and used medium blue for the leaves and vines portion, and for the Fairytale Swirl, I used gold to give a luxurious look.

** Personal Experiences for painting, I suggest doing the base paint for the carriage body pieces first (which I did not do) and then proceeding with the cutting. 

** For the pumpkin details and swirl motifs, I traced them with acrylic paint. That was not an easy task, I've seen people masking taping the material, engrave through the masking tape, colored, then remove the masking tape. 

Step 5: Assembly
2 More images

Dry fit all pieces first, make sure they all fit properly.

Glue the door hinges onto the panel with the door cutout. the door is just hook on to the holes of the hinges (Photo 1)

Insert and glue the stem into the slot on the top piece, this would be the lid of the jar (Photo 2).

Glue all sidewalls to the bottom piece (Photo 3-5).


Design Files
Pumpkin Carriage.xcs
xTool Project
@xTool Projects
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