Black-cat  acrylic hook  give you more happiness.
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Step 1

Import designing documentsImport designing documents and verify the size,processing position and processing mode.Attention:The documents of pictures are designed by 3mm black acrylic sheets . If the types and thickness of materials you choose are different from that, please adjust the laser processing parameters according to the actual material.

Step 2
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

Laser processingPut the black acrylic sheet in the laser machine and ensure that the material is flat.Then, cut the sheet by laser. Laser parameters: 、 processing mode:laser cutting power:100 speed:3 of passes:2 accessories:air assist setAttention:The parameters marked here are for the current case. If you like a different effect, please adjust them manually.

Step 3

Assemble base and catAssemble base with cat and use glue if necessary.STEP 4.Past hookFix hook on a good place of the table with superglue. STEP5. FinishThe cute and vivid black-cat hook, success!

Design Files
xtool_xcs_casesBlack-cat Hook.xcs
daily necessity
office supplies
laser cut
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