Add an interesting tropical forest images to the figures and layer them to create an interesting wooden ornament.
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Step 1

Import designing documentsImport designing documents and verify the size,processing position and processing mode. Attention:The documents of pictures are designed by 3mm basswood plywood. If the types and thickness of materials you choose are different from that, please adjust the laser processing parameters according to the actual material.





Step 2
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

Laser processingPut basswood plywood in the laser device one by one and ensure that the materials are flat. Then,cut the plywood by laser. Laser parameters: processing mode:laser cutting power:100 speed:4 of passes:1Attention:The laser parameters marked here are for the current case. If you like a different effect, please adjust them manually.

Step 3

Assemble and finishAssemble each layer together in the order of your preference. If you like to make it thicker with more layers, you can make more blank unpatterned numbers "3".

Step 4

FinishA interesing wooden oranament of number,success!

Design Files
Wooden Openwork Ornament-1.xcs
laser cut
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