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Step 1

I used my Xtool Honeycomb with air assist. Place one sheet of 3mm basswood into the machine. I use the magnets as the hold the piece of wood in place. I have found this useful if the cuts do not laser all the way through. I can run the path again in the exact position so I do not have to waste any of the wood material.






Step 2
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

The next step is to upload the design you are going to cut. Upload the Chevron Pumpkin design.


I used the autofocus which gave me a measurement of 4mm.

Settings as follows:

Laser flat

Thickness- auto-measure (on my honeycomb with 3mm wood it measured to 4mm)

Height raised- no


Step 3

After setting have been entered you can process the piece. I like to use the framing feature as this will outline on your board the maximum edges to where it will cut, allowing you to see if it is the correct size for your board. Go ahead and process when you are sure your design will fit. In the top of the photo you can see the size of the image. I selected the max size to comfortably fit on my board which equaled a height of 290mm. The pumpkins can be made to any size you desire, just be sure the pumpkin background in the following step is the same size (width and height).


The next step is to cut the pumpkin background out. Load the design and enter the same size (width and height) and the same settings as above. You should now have the chevron pumpkin design and the background cut out.



After the pumpkins have been cut out you will cut out the Gather sign and pumpkin stands.



The setting for the cuts will all be the same. You can change the words to say whatever you choose. The setting for engraving are Power 50, speed 80, lines per cm 100. On this file you can not alter the size of any of the pieces because the are created to fit the 3mm basswood design. If you were to alter any of the sizes the stand pieces will not fit for the pumpkins and the gather sign will not fit into the stand. You can move them around, but do not adjust the size.


Now that you have all of your pieces cut out you can paint and stain them however you like. In the following steps I will show you how I chose to complete it.



I love this wood dye. It comes in small packets as a dry powder that you mix. It is a water based method so it can warp your pieces, just place something heavy on top while it dries to prevent that. Dye the pieces you wish to dye ( I did the chevron pumpkin and its stands with the dye. I used acrylic paint for pumpkin background and gather sign and stand).


I painted the background with acrylic paint. After the pieces have dried you can glue them together.


I clipped them together while the glue dried.

Paint your gather sign and stand white and put together when dried.

Place the pumpkin triangles at the last indent of the pumpkins on both sides. VOILA! Pumpkin stand :)



Step 4

After the pumpkins have been cut out you will cut out the Gather sign and pumpkin stands.




Step 5

The setting for the cuts will all be the same. You can change the words to say whatever you choose. The setting for engraving are Power 50, speed 80, lines per cm 100. On this file you can not alter the size of any of the pieces because the are created to fit the 3mm basswood design. If you were to alter any of the sizes the stand pieces will not fit for the pumpkins and the gather sign will not fit into the stand. You can move them around, but do not adjust the size.


Now that you have all of your pieces cut out you can paint and stain them however you like. In the following steps I will show you how I chose to complete it.




Step 6

I love this wood dye. It comes in small packets as a dry powder that you mix. It is a water based method so it can warp your pieces, just place something heavy on top while it dries to prevent that. Dye the pieces you wish to dye ( I did the chevron pumpkin and its stands with the dye. I used acrylic paint for pumpkin background and gather sign and stand).



Step 7

I painted the background with acrylic paint. After the pieces have dried you can glue them together.


Step 8

I clipped them together while the glue dried.

Paint your gather sign and stand white and put together when dried.

Place the pumpkin triangles at the last indent of the pumpkins on both sides. VOILA! Pumpkin stand :)



Design Files
Chevron pumpkinback.xcs
Chevron pumpkin.xcs
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