Too buzzy to read? Got other places to Bee? Make a charming bookmark out of bamboo and put your book aside honey!

(apologies for the puns)
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Step 1: Design
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 2
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm

Time to make a bookmark!

I added some text using the font tool, chosing a typeface that I thought would suit a bookmark (LifeSavers) - I used engrave settings that I've found from other designs I make on bamboo.

I then quickly drew and arranged some hexagons in CAD, split them up to individual lines and imported them into XCS. 

I then set up two layers of cut lines - the first comprising of 5 sides of each hexagon (Yellow Layer 2), and the second with a final line for each hexagon (Red Layer 3). Both use the same cut settings. 

I then set the Processing Path to by Layer.

This is done to avoid the gaps in the material burning as the cuts happen. Spacing out the cuts in time helps to prevent this!

Step 2: Xart
Setting 1
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm

As a final touch, I wanted a cute bee, so I turned to XArt.

After signing in, I set the prompt to “A honey bee, top down” and changed the style to Line art.

After browsing the suggestions that came back, I picked one I was happy with.

To speed up the engrave, I then traced the image to a vector, and moved/rotated the new vector into place. I deleted the original bitmap.

I set the vector to the same engrave settings as the font.

Step 3: Cut

Time to add the black cutting bed to the F1, place the material, and set the focus!


I've found that bamboo can smoulder and burn fairly easily, and while I've tried to make sure the cut settings avoid this by using less power, a medium speed and more passes, there is always a risk. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR LASER UNATTENDED!

Step 4: Result - and other ideas

I removed the piece, cleared the cut parts from my F1, and then used some IPA (rubbing alcohol) to clean up the piece. After all, no-one wants laser soot in their book!

As the bamboo bookmarks I've bought had a hole already made, I added a gold tassel just to complete the bookmark.

But… If you're crafty, another idea to try could be to mix up some honey-coloured resin, and use it to fill some or all of the hexagons if you want to really make the bookmark stand out!

Design Files
Bee Bookmark.xcs
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