Made a book from felt and wood, this little book only has a few pages but the have great meaning
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Step 1: Design stage 1
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Step 1) This project starts off with a simple rectangle, the corners of this rectangle gets rounded off with the use of the radius button. With the corners rounded The back of the rectangle gets squared off to be straight so only the from has the rounded corners. This is done with another rectangle large enough to cover the side of the rounded rectangle. then the combine feature is used and the subtract is selected to remove the part of the rectangle. then this new shape is copy and pasted to make a second one which will become the front and backs of the book.

Step 2: The Book Bindings

Step 2) Now the book needs a binding or in this case a bendable hinge, this is done by creating a very narrow rectangle  the exact same height as the book covers. Several of these are needed so the array is used to make 6 of them the same.

Step 3: The Title is added.

Step 3) Now the Title of the book is made with the text editor, once the font is picked the wording is sized to fit the front of the book cover. This is then set to be engraved.

Step 4: Pages
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 2
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Process Material
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm
Other Parameters
The felt needs no power at all, it is easy to burn through the felt if set to high. Proceed with caution.
Setting 3
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Other Parameters
The Felt does cut fast so be careful with the power here as well.

Step 4) This page noe needs pages, from the use of the felt the pages are created the same way the front and back of the book was created. The front of each page the rounded corners are removed and the wording is placed on each page. This is done again with the text editor and sized to fit each page. Then it is off to the laser machine.

Step 5: Assembly
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Step 5) Once the laser machine has cut and engraved all the pieces it was a matter of lining all the pieces up in a straight line. The glue is placed across all the pieces to ensure they all bond together. Then each page is glued on top of each other starting with the last page working your way to the first page.

Design Files
felt book.xcs
S1 20w
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