This remix is based on
[Livestream] Mother's Day Flower Basket
xTool Projects
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Step 1: Making the sides

I used the side part and made it smaller, by inserting a square and resizing it to a rectangle.

Overlapping it to the existing side and click combine , subtract. 

Now the side is smaller in width.

The bottom of the project stay's the same, so you don't have to resize it.

Step 2: Making the triangle side
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Insert a triangle and a square. Unlock the size lock and resize the square into a rectangle.

Place the rectangle under the triangle and overlap it a little bit. Click combine, unite, so both are now one.

Insert another triangle and place it in the first triangle.

Insert a circle and size it to make it fit into the top of the 2 triangles.

Hoover over the all the images and group them, so they can't move.

Step 3: Making the hanger
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Insert a half moon shape from the shape section. Turn the shape a quarter.

Insert a square and click the unlock button to resize the square and place it under the right side of the half moon shape. Overlap a bit, then click combine, unite.

Insert another half moon from the shape section and turn it a quarter and place it under the square you just attached. Overlap a bit and click combine, unite.

Insert a circle and resize it, to make it fit in the left bottom of the hanger. Copy and paste the circle, so you have the same size and place the 2nd circle on the right side of the bottom hanger.

Hoover over the whole image and right click the mouse and click group.

Now the circles/holes will stay in place inside the hanger.

Step 4: Making the cuts.

I place the bottom and sides onto the screen, while moving the hangers aside, since those will be made of acrylic. You can make the hangers out of wood also.

So first i cut out all the wood pieces and then the hanger pieces out of acrylic,

Now we have all the pieces and can put it together.

Step 5: Finishing and putting it together
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I started with attaching the shorts sides to the bottom and used a dot of glue, incase it would come loose. Then used some glue on the small sides and placed the triangle sides to the small sides and the glue will attach it firm. Did the same with the other triangle side.

Inserted the dowel through the holes and put a dot of glue under the dowel on the outside of the hole.

Now the hanger box is finished and you can hang up the hangers and insert earrings in the holes of the hangers.

Design Files
ear ring holder.xcs
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