Well a shadow box within a box? ok so it can be done. This is a scene I designed that is 5 layers 
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Step 1: Design Stage 1

Step 1) This project starts with creating a square with the insert button, this square will be 84mm in size as that is the size inside the box. Then a second square is created by copy and pasting the first square and resizing it to 79mm in size. Now the 2 squares are positioned inside each other.

Step 2: Adding Trees

Step 2) Now we need items to be in the box for the different layers. These objects in this case are palm trees. they are selected from the shapes list and each layer will get one of their own. 3 out of the 5 layers will have trees the other 2 will be black as a spacer and the sun that we will get to. Then the double square we created earlier is copy and pasted until there are 5 of them

Step 3: Making the Layers

Step 3) Now to make each layer, this is done by placing each tree just on the edge of the inside square, this is done with each tree. Then the inside square and the tree for each are high lighted and the combine feature is used to subtract them. This includes a corner circle for the sun on one of the layers. This creates the inside square to have the tree cut out which creates a border for each layer. Repeat this for each layer.

Step 4: Sun Rays
2 More images
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
Birch Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Other Parameters
All the parts for this project are all cut so the settings are all the same.

Step 4) Now we focus on the sun layer, now that the sun is part of the layer we add rays to it by creating small thin ovals with the insert tool. they are positioned on  slight angle facing outward. Each small oval is then added to the sun to create the rays. Then it is off to the laser machine when the cut settings are adjusted.

Step 5: Assembly and Paint

Step 5) Now from an empty box to the 5 layered scene, each layer is painted to the colors suited for the trees and the sky. Once each layer is painted it is them placed inside the box. As the layers are put in the level ends flush to the depth of the box. With these small boxes from xTool.com they come with a lid so this box when finished can be stored with or without the lid.

Design Files
shadow box.xcs
shaow box
S1 2-w
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