This is a simple tutorial on how to make anything into a pair of earrings for you, or others. Makes a great gift.
NOTE: These photos are XCS 2 based. The process is the same, the only difference is the appearance.
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Step 1: Design or find a file

I wanted to make some Triforce earrings, so I went to Adobe Illistrator and made a file. These must have no gaps, otherwise it will collapse. fill in gaps using Microsoft Paint, or the Photos app for Apple devices. I don't know about Android. If you are using a bitmap image, make it black and white (If it isn't already) and make sure to use the “trace” function.

Step 2: Set the size and add a ring to the top
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You can't use earrings if you don't have a way to put them on your ear. To start off, make sure the earrings are the right size as too small won't work, and neither will too big. I made mine 1.2 inches tall. To make and attach the ring the the top:

  1. Add in a circle. Change the size of the circle to the size needed, if it is for clip-ons, piercings, or or rings to attached to one of those.
  2. copy that circle
  3. Shrink one circle to about ¾ or ½ size and center it in the middle of the other
  4. Use the “combine” feature and select “subtract at overlap”
  5. Do the same to your actual earring
  6. Slightly overlap the two objects
  7. Use the “combine again, but select ”unite"
  8. Change the settings to your material and process
Step 3: Complete!

You now have completed your very own personalized earrings! This works for just about anything and makes for a beautiful cut material appearance.

Design Files
Triforce Earrings.xcs
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