Create a fully custom egg shaped keychain, for Easter. With customizable text and also customizable designs from dots, lines, or anything else.
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Step 1: Create egg shape with edit node

This step uses the new edit node in Xtool creative space 2.0. With this new function, we are able to pull up the top of the circle shape to make it into an egg shape. Make sure to set the egg shape to cut.

Step 2: Add lines to the egg

Next, we can use the vector line tool to make a line across the egg, making sure to put one point in the middle. Then, we can use the edit node tool to make the line curved, adding depth to the egg. Next, I copied the line and shrunk it to make it look as if the egg had three sections. Make sure to set the lines as score.

Step 3: Add text to the egg, and key chain hole

Now we can add text to the egg. I chose “Happy Easter,” then using the curving text tool, I made it so that the text matches the same as the lines. Also, I added a circle on top of the egg. This will be used to put the keychain in. Make sure to set the text to engrave and the circle on top to cut.

Step 4: Add dots

Now, I add many circles to both the top and bottom of the egg. I make sure to have half of the circles set to score and the other half to engrave. Then, I change the sizes of each circle to add variety to all of them.

Step 5: Set the material
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 2
Process Method
Laser Score
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Setting 3
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm

I like to have each function on a different layer so that engraving is all on one layer, then the cut is on another, and lastly, scoring is on the last. I select each layer by clicking the circle layer buttons on the bottom left corner, then using the new easy set panel, I can choose how I want each type of function to look. Now you're ready to start cutting with your laser cutter. Remember to have your laser safety glasses on.

Step 6: Use the new camera for S1
Setting 1
Process Method
Vector Laser Engrave
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)
Lines per cm

Lastly, using my phone, I can now mimic a camera view with the S1; this is an exciting development that adds a lot of functionality to the s1 and shows that Xtool is committed to improving its products. You can use any image you want or put your own personalization on the back. Unfortunately, there are still some shortcomings with this approach, like not being able to use the honeycomb panel or the riser with the new dots, but hopefully, there will be a fix soon. Now you're ready to start engraving the back with your laser cutter. Remember to have your laser safety glasses on.

Step 7: Done

You're done now. You have an amazing new keychain to celebrate easter and spring.

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