This "Family Garden" is a unique way of looking at your family.  An original creation for families celebrating Mother's Day.  For younger families, you can leave slots for future children.  You can add more slots for more family members like cats, dogs, birds and even fish.  I've included a sample file with a few flowers.  The flowers are from a larger file purchased thru Etsy.  This post is intended to show you the process of creating the "Family Garden." Please do not use the included flowers for commercial use unless you have purchased the original Esty file.
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Step 1

Although there are multiple steps, I am going to highlight the one crucial step that can be repeated to create the entire garden. Focus on the flower image. It was purchased as an svg file which allowed me to create an outline.

Select "Outline" then enter 3mm - You now have the "background" of the flower.

Now, select the flower again, Outline but this time select 1mm -This will be the portion of the flower that will be engraved.

NOTE: I made the 4 flowers in front smaller than the flowers in the back.

Step 2

The next step is very important. Look at the bottom of the flower. you will notice a small notch that is meant to slip into the slots of the base. To create these "notches" you will need to create a rectangle. Depending on the size of your wood (1.5mm, 3mm etc) you will create a "notch" with the thickness of the wood you are using. Once you've created this "notch," you will need to "unite" it to the "background" part of your flower.

Step 3

Finally, adjust the "slots" on the base. The slots are intended for 1.5mm wood so they are 1.5mm high. They were left ungrouped so you can adjust them as needed. I just want to remind you that the base and the sign are original designs and free to use.

The flowers were purchased through Etsy:

There are a wide selection of styles so don't feel like you have to purchase this file or even from THIS vendor. Find an svg file that you like.

OK, well I hope that helps someone out there to create a "Family Garden." feel free to add or change the style of the base and as always, please share your thoughts and ideas below. Thanks for your time.


Design Files
Family Flowers.xcs
Mother's Day
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